We are excited to meet you! Make your orientation appointment below.During your appointment, you will take a placement test as part of your orientation. Please plan to stay at your appointment for approximately 3 hours to complete your orientation. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Phone*Email* This field is hidden when viewing the formCURRENT WORK SCHEDULE: I am not currently working. I work part time days. I work part time nights. I work full time days. I work full time nights. This field is hidden when viewing the formDAYS AVAILABLE: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday This field is hidden when viewing the formTIME AVAILABLE: Morning Afternoon Evening CAREER TRAINING INTEREST:* CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) CCMA (Certified Clinical Medical Assistant) Child Development Associate (CDA) NCCER Core Construction Tech Phlebotomy Welding We are not yet scheduling for this career certification. Complete this form to be put on the waiting list to be contacted when orientation appointments for this certification are open.How did you hear about career training with us?Why are you choosing this field of study, and how will this certification/career impact your life?To finalize your application, you will need to come in for an orientation appointment, where you will take a placement test and complete other career-focused tasks. All orientation appointments are located at Anthis Career Center, 1200 S Barr St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Please sign in with security once you arrive and provide your ID. You will then proceed to the office, Room 120 to meet with Chelsea Harris. Please plan to stay for approximately 3 hours for your appointment.Please choose your career training orientation appointment below.*Address: 1200 S Barr St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Please put my name on the wait list for future available dates. If I am accepted in a Career Training Certification class, I commit to: Be on time for and attend all classes. Be an active participant during class. Set time aside outside of class for study and completion of assignments. Demonstrate a commitment to complete, certify and gain employment in my training field. Exhibit a professional behavior and attitude at all times. Update the school with any changes in my contact information. My electronic signature represents my commitment to the expectations listed above.Electronic Signature*Please type your full legal name to serve as your electronic signature and agreement to the expectations above.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY